Posts Tagged ‘women’


Posted: March 29, 2012 in Relationships
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Is there a Mr Right? I mean that one man that makes everything OK in a woman’s world? Simple,there is nothing Right and Perfect in this world. As women searching for that one MR, what is it really that we look for? We grow up with the perception that we want the best of the best. We have so many expectations that we miss the point why we want that man. Why really do women look for a Mr Right? Someone once said that once you get a man who can give you anything,you have to be ambitious and a go-getter to get what you want. Let me break it down; find a man who makes a whole load of cash and make sure that you are part of his investment. There after,make sure that almost all his assets are in your name-mark you,you have to be the most awesome wife in the world,this one needs smart brains and strategy. In the end make sure that you have your own investments to call your own,car,home and business so that incase all hits the fan,you can depend on yourself.

This is the part am not sure I agree with. Women,flip the script,if this was being done to you,you will be the most furious woman the world will ever see. So why in the world do we do this to our men? I mean payback for all that he has done to you is not the best way to look at things. You got married in front of God and man and yet you use your charm to rob someone of their hard earned money for your own gain, GET A JOB, make your own money and investments. Most of the women who do these,have such low esteem issues that they find a way to boost it up by having something of their own to brag to their friends. Yes we like competing with our friends to see who has what and of course make sure that we are in the top league.

You can make something of yourself if you decide instead of being a leech. Now I have missed the point of this article for today. Back to it, no matter what standards or qualifications you are looking for in a Mr Right,you will never get them all in one person. Ever wondered why men choose who they choose regardless of what their friends think and you end up being so shocked at whom they end up marrying?It is because they have no time and no check list to follow. They go with their gut feeling and go for it. By the time you are doing your checklist,you will be old,grey and out of market and don’t forget desperate. If there is a Mr Right,am yet to see one and if anyone sees him please let me know because there must be something wrong with him……


Posted: November 16, 2011 in Relationships
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When I was younger I used to wonder what kind of man I would meet in life and want to spend the rest of eternity with. As  a girl you have the perfect man in mind,he must be tall, handsome, have a gorgeous body and a great sense of humor-of course it does not stop there. The worst always happens and you meet a bunch of idiots who are just that idiots. I am not saying that there is smooth sailing. You must pass through all the dirt,mud and all the gross things to find the one( if he exists). When he comes into your life you definitely know it. It’s like you suddenly grow a set of wings and you fly in the open skies not caring whether you will hit a wall or anything. You suddenly get an energy so powerful you wonder where the hell it came from. It’s not that for everyone, the feeling is different. In all my posts I say I believe in love and I do but sometimes its a whole load of crap if I must use that word. I am not sure whether it is the feeling or the people involved in it.

The man…how and where do I start? He is gorgeous, I mean really gorgeous. Six feet( I think-I suck at Math),eyes that can see deep into your soul. The kind of eyes you want to wake up each and every day and hope to be looking back at you. His eyes are compassionate and gentle.A masculine body, one that you would want to have each and every night, one that you can lean on to protect you from harm,hold you when you are at your worst. His lips are kissable,the ones you would not mind doing so for as long as you can.  His clothes fit perfectly to his body and he loves plain colors. He is not complicated in the way he dresses, nothing too over the top,just plain and simple. He is always gazing into nothingness, sometimes I wonder what he is thinking. I avoid asking him not to distract his thoughts-its a pretty good sight watching him in his zone. He is someone you can have a decent conversation with, a man with an intelligent brain, can hold an argument with sensible facts,is funny and can make you smile no matter how dark the day is. He can chase whatever is bothering you and bring you back to life by the simplest action or words. His ambitions are achievable, because he already knows the road he is travelling on. He is not complicated and has no time to beat around the bush. He is down to earth, has the hugest and giving heart I have ever met. He is a man you would not grow tired of. A man who will take care of you at any one time of your life.

The bottom line is, is this the MAN???Mmmh left with queries and unanswered ones at that…..I can’t afford not to smile…..

He is amazing…


Posted: October 21, 2011 in Relationships
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For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul.”Judy Garland said these words and over the last couple of days or are they weeks,I have thought about them hard and long and I could not figure out what they meant. Anyway there comes a time in a persons life when you want to be loved and I mean really loved. I am never of the opinion that we do not need love actually we do. Hypothetically speaking if there is someone in your life that you you actually love then for whatever its worth go for it. All the crap that you will feel desperate and weird making the first step is a whole load of bull.Here is a guy you actually love,and I refer to the ladies,the worst possible thing that can happen is for him to actually ignore the feelings,because that’s what men do,they walk all high and mighty pretending that nothing of the sort hits their masculine heart. Well, why should you sit on the fence, drinking with your pals,telling them how gorgeous he is,how he makes you laugh and how the sex is so awesomely intoxicating than actually tell him yourself? In normal I know that pride takes over us and we don’t want to look like we can’t do it by ourselves. However at times you want to protect yourself from hurt and all you want to do is shove those feelings so deep down your soul that it hurts as hell,the repercussions are always worse. All am saying is there comes a time in life when you choose who to love and who to be with.You also choose to jump in the sea and learn how to swim with the sharks. Love is a risk and I am a believer in love. Unless my heart is shredded into pieces I will stay on this horse for as long as I can and pray to God that I will not fall off. They say love softens the heart,I am not sure but if it does then damn mine is all mushy all over the place.On the flip side you can apply this “Love is just a word until someone comes along and gives it meaning”