Posted: March 13, 2012 in RANDOM

Am not sure why I started writing this article in the first place but I wanted some clarification about the norm and culture that we are working hard to achieve in terms of love and marriage. I have nothing in particular to say but this is the point where I wanted to rant and scream and really point out how much crap that is. I recently read somewhere that there are men will do anything for a woman and they wonder why a woman is asking a lot from them. Here is why. You get married to a wonderful man who makes a decent living (according to you) and provides for everything and I mean literally everything. You will not lack anything you need. Your so called hubby feels that since he has given you everything, there is no need for you to ask anymore from him. This was the argument. As a woman you have been given everything you want; so why are you asking for more from this guy? The same guy has a right to have any woman he wants but still maintain his duties in the house as a man. I mean at what point has he missed his manly duties? I was not sure how to respond to that and for once I was left speechless and decided that whatever way a woman handles her household will also contribute to her man’s behavior. If you treat your man like trash he will most definitely look for someone who appreciates him more and listens to him more. In the same discussion it was quoted that all men think alike, “A man will cheat because it is in his genes” really? No seriously really? A man will cheat because he was born like that? That’s bullshit. I do not want to get into the nitty gritty of why cheating takes place but please let’s not go down that lane of “he cheats because he can’t help himself” crap. You are the reason he cheats. Again is it true that you can learn to love someone? That it is all about getting what you need and then learning how to love? I came to the conclusion that we really are in a materialistic world. Call me traditional but that’s my opinion on matters that maybe sound like a fairy tale but like hell I will not support some theories that have now etched into our social lives and are the rules we live by. Since I began my blog I have always said I am a romantic at heart so this is clearly it. Anyway whichever way we all want it to go, its upon us. I am still in the old school version of it…and am loving it.

  1. yes, this is the old fashioned version…true that a man will cheat wen he lacks at home…but you always fall out…the world has taught today’s woman to be strong and independent…we carry this into our matrimonial homes and everytime the man demands respect we feel that he is supressing our freedom…i am in that situation…i shud know! how many women will wash ther men’s underwear? polish his shoes…come in from work with him and serve him tea or a glass of cold water…open the gate for him? kiss him at the door even when u have a falling out? these are the things u do wen ur dating…then what changes wen ur married?

    Btw, libido punguas wen u get married…esp after the toi…so the frequency of sex is twice n kedo mnths yet he ‘kulad’ every other day wen u dated? and how many of us try to change our men? he’s not underwear! it is practically impossible…the nonsense that he wll change wen we get married….is just that! nonsense! so, we as women have failed….MISERABLY!!!thus the cheating man….do we pray for them? wen ur man comes home in th middle of the night and u tell him to back to wea he is from wea exactly r u sending back? into the arms of another woman? even after he fought the temptation to stay with her coz he respects u? no two marriages are the same…so y do we feel necessary to try out stuff on our men then wen they dont work we say that they were born that way? isnt it the same way we are struggling to accept homosexuality and saying its in the genes….perfect men are NONEXISTENT!!! jus as perfect women are!

  2. Mwende says:

    So do we lie with the notion that since we are all imperfect that we should stay that way and continue letting what is bugging be a part of our life and tolerate it?i agree that a man will not change after marriage,but a woman does when she gives birth.she finds cosolation in the child which blinds out what she really expects from her there a solution to all this??all marriages are different and the issues affecting one wil not be the same as the other.They love sex and so after the kid does the juice suddenly end or the search for fresh fruit seems thrilling,i dunno am not an expert but i find this rather ironic.’men are visual creatures’ really?does the vision change and blindness kicks in?women are strong enough to endure all shit but still stupid not to know when shit has hit the fan.