Archive for the ‘FEMALE SPEAK’ Category


Posted: March 16, 2012 in FEMALE SPEAK

A woman’s freedom….I am not sure how I can explain this without stepping on some toes,but here goes. I think it has reached a time when dating has become overrated. I say this because the dating scene has become a charade and many are using others for their own gain.  It had always been the norm where a woman gets a man, they date for a while and boom a year or so later they are married. Flip of the coin,nowadays its date and i mean for such a long time,it gets boring and nothing comes out of it. Whats the use anyway. Women have reached a point where they prefer to find a man willing to give her a child-that is when she realizes  that her biological clock is really not waiting for her. And by the way the men they choose must really have good genes…from the hair to the skin and teeth. A thorough research is conducted and not just settling for anyone. She never asks the man for responsibility of the child.All he has to do is donate his sperm.

This woman has a stable job,a job that she is able to sustain a rather affordable lifestyle and has been through it all meeting weird men with weird characters who only leave her heartbroken. She decides that she has had enough and it is time to venture on her own and do her. She can actually do without  a man if all she finds and meets are losers….sorry guys…that’s the truth.

She does not need a man because she is more than capable to be by herself and “source” for a child and raise.All am saying is she is  an independent woman who knows that whatever she will lack is a man’s company,because if it is sex she can get it anywhere and when she needs it. And this is usually from someone she knows or has had intimacy with. The strength of this woman is derived from the fact that she is able to take care of herself with no man in the picture. I beg to ask the question,so what happens if all women are strong and independent and do not need a man in their life, except a sperm donor? I have to agree that as women the stress of a man can be overwhelming and considering that most of the problems begin after marriage. What really happens after marriage? Marriage is sacred and it never is the deal when in it.

This has made women scared to enter into marriages and have decided that independence is the way to go. Work for their money and support themselves and the sourced fatherless child. Men on the other hand have decided bachelorhood is the in thing… is marriage off the table in the 21st century? Is it all about freedom or is it fear of the inevitable?