Posted: April 16, 2012 in Relationships

As I always say am not an expert on love but I believe that it is as complex as it comes. Ever wonder why some relationships flourish while others are just doomed? Others are like flowers while others just don’t seem to go anywhere?I have. Looking at the number of relationships,the relation between a positive relationship or one that is slowly fading the line between is very thin. Reasons are either disappointment or resentment. Most people in love do not like looking at what affects their relationship. They treat love as a fragile and too special to tamper upon,while in real sense what affects a relationship is psychological. I want to believe that it is all in the mind and how we handle a relationship that really affects it.

Its like being put in a situation and all factors surrounding you will be the judge of character and how you will react to the situation. Lets look at it this way. A woman will want a man  she can look up to. Someone who makes her be the best she can be. Unfortunately the available men are not out to build their women. I think it has come a time when all people do is get into relationships for social stature. What is the need in the long run?Stay single. What is the need of being with someone because you do not want to be viewed as single;despite the fact that your age does not allow you to be single.

It is really unfair to try and tolerate being with someone because of your own selfish gain. If something is not working then do not delve into it. Why put someones emotions on the line. Flipping the coin if you were in the person’s shoes you would be mad as hell.Short and long,what is the need of love? Is it because we want not to be alone? Or is it because we want to go with the crowd? Is it really genuine? In my world it remains unanswered.